
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Feb 23 21:16:16 CET 2009

On Monday 23 February 2009, Toussis Manolis wrote:
> I re-implementing in my applet the configAccepted() to store the
> settings...

configChanged() you mean? there is no configAccepted in Plasma::Applet. or are 
you connecting to configAccepted yourself?

> The thing is that I came across a strange issue.
> I run the applet if I invoke the config interface, and press ok...
> configAccepted is called once. Then I close the applet , and configAccepted
> is called once more. All the options are saved fine.
> If I run the applet and don't invoke the config interface, and the close
> the applet. configAccepted() is called only on applet close, and all the
> settings are reset, and are not saved with the current settings.

obviously because the ui hasn't been set up and so has bogus values.

the question is why configAccepted is called on applet exit. is your code in 
playground so i can look at it? or somewhere else i can see it?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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