Working method for focusing widgets in panels and keyboard navigation for Tasks applet

Chani chanika at
Mon Aug 24 19:41:44 CEST 2009

> > > * way for a widget to advertise that it should receive keyboard focus
> > > when clicked and have PanelView grab focus in that case
> >
> > neglecting for a while how actually give focus to the panel, api-wise on
> > plasma side could work as this:
> > Applet::addFocusWidget(QGraphicsWidget *)
> > it's usedto add widgets that are supposed to request focus when clicked,
> > thinking about it maybe we want addFocusWidgets(QList<QGraphicsWidget *>)

ok, so then an applet would call addFocusWidget(this) if it needs kbd focus, 
much like it calls setHasConfigurationInterface... and it'd also have the 
flexibility to call that on subsets of itself (should it take a graphicswidget 
or graphicsitem? would it ever make sense to focus a qgraphicsitem?)
and, I'm assuming it can add >1, does that mean that if it adds a widget 
that's part of itself that we sent focus to that widget when that widget is 
clicked? or we send focus to it when any part of the applet is clicked? 
...probably the former, I suppose.

and then whoever does the actual work will have to read that list of widgets, 
and probably keep an eye on them.

> i don't think we need to provide an addFocusWidgets that takes a list; the
> user of it can call add multiple times. if there was a method that added a
> list, i'd think it should be called "setFocusWidgets"? removal would be
> achieved by deletion of the widget, i suppose? or would it make sense to
>  have a removeFocusWidget as well for symmetry?

probably should have it. extenders? applets that embed other applets? I'm sure 
eventually someone will want to remove something without deleting it.

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