Question regarding folderview Flow option

Fredrik Höglund fredrik at
Thu Aug 20 22:48:31 CEST 2009

On Thursday 20 August 2009, Shantanu Tushar Jha wrote:
> Recently while working on the FolderView applet, I got the question that why
> isn't the user allowed to change the flow when used as a normal applet ?
> I've observed that when folderview used as the desktop Type, the flow
> options can be changed. But, these options can also be useful when used as
> an applet imho.
> What do you guys think? Or has this been discussed already?

There are two reasons why that option is only available in the containment.

The first is that the flow controls which edge of the screen the icons are
lined up against, and I thought that option didn't make much sense
when folderview is used as an applet, since you can resize it and move
it to where you want it on the screen. Left-to-right or right-to-left is also
decided automatically in this case depending on the user's locale.

So that option is hidden to keep the display section of the dialog box
(which is quite large already) from being cluttered with options where
the default should be good enough.

The second reason is that folderview currently doesn't support showing a
horizontal scrollbar, so if the user switches the flow to top-to-bottom,
the user simply won't be able to access all the files in the folder when
there are more files than will fit in the view.


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