Some questions concerning virtual keyboard

Björn Ruberg bjoern at
Wed Aug 19 23:08:22 CEST 2009


I moved my virtual keyboard plasmoid to kdelibs-addons some days ago. So far 
so good. As my university studis start again in mid of october I want to do 
all missing work until then. Now I have time for it. 

I have some questions for that.

1. Bad translations:
The keys on the keyboard are translated. In some cases the translations is 
wrong. The "home"-key for example is labeled wrong in German translation. It's 
translated to "personal folder". Obviously plasmaboard needs its own 
translation. What can I do about that?

2. Keyboard on the desktop:
It is not possible to use the keyboard from the desktop because the window you 
are working on automatically looses focus when you click on the keyboard. Some 
users are confused by that. Question: Can I forbid the popup being dragged on 
the desktop? Or better: Instead the board the panel icon can be used on the 
desktop. Clicking on it would open the keyboard - which should be useable in 
this case. Is that doable?

3. Keyboard as panel?
Currently the keyboard is displayed above windows. I find it useful to be able 
to make some kind of a panel out of it. I want that a maximized window not 
overlaps with the keyboard. Is that possible?

Moreover I'm open for suggestions for enhancing plasmaboard. I'm especially 
unhappy with that label changing the keyboard layouts. Sadly I have no 
touchscreen myself at the moment. So I have no option to test the useability 
of the keyboard. Maybe someone can post a hint to plasmaboard on the planet, 
so more people can find, test and comment it? No need to fetch it out of the 
svn, they can get it from kde-look:



@Aaron: I implement the use of the keystate engine as soon as I have KDE 4.3 
on my working machine

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