Fwd: translatoid

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Aug 6 11:47:38 CEST 2009

On Thursday 06 August 2009, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Thursday 06 August 2009, sacha schutz wrote:
> > Ok I am agree about flags, it's ugly!
> > Can I retrieve Flag icons from KLocale ? I can use something like this :
> > http://www.archilinux.org/eeepc/kde5.png
> but those flags are really ugly, could them be replaced with the ones in
> translatoroid? still many missing i suppose?

step 1 will be to just get a central system to draw the flags from in the 
first place, of course.

but the reason, at least to me, that the current klocale flags are so "ugly" 
is they have the country codes on them. however, that might be useful for when 
they are used for locale setting since you usually know the country code in 
that case though perhaps not the flag. the country name is right there in 
text, however.

so, to the i18n people: is it really necessary to put the country code on the 
flags for the locale settings? 

if it is, then i think we'll end up with two sets of flags: one with text and 
the other without. or maybe the ones with text could be dynamically created, 
though that would require a reasonable font being available on the system.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software
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