Tool tips - again

Emdek emdeck at
Tue Apr 14 17:59:05 CEST 2009

On Tuesday 14-04-2009 17:42:07 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> yes, i think we'd just pass it as a specially crafted url, e.g.  
> window://###
> mildly silly but effective ;) it'll only be for in-application use and  
> not for
> passing around between applications, so it's ok.

Right, one signal for all activation events in tool tip should be enough.
But of course there will be need to explain it clearly in documentation for that signal. ;-)

>> > it's not overly difficult; if you're up for it, i can help you through
>> > it e.g.
>> > on irc ... if not, i can try and work this part out for you.
>> Talk on IRC could be useful (but eight hours difference between  
>> timezones
>> could be a problem ;-)).
> i'm often there at odd (for my timezone) hours

Yes, I see (switching between timezones in clock using mouse wheel is very nice feature ;-)).

>> And I'm not sure if I could finish this before
>> hard freeze (I'm not familiar with event filters). So maybe I'll better
>> focus on these smaller tasks, like preview glowing on hover (maybe using
>> animation code from ComboBox), image preview (probably renaming private
>> WindowPreview class to PreviewWidget or something like that and adding
>> method to set pixmap, maybe setPixmapToPreview()?), try to add  
>> possibility
>> to show tool tip centered (setCentered(bool) for ToolTipContent? or  
>> maybe
>> more generic setAlignment(Qt::Alignment)?) and experiment with window
>> titles for multiple previews.
> sure thing .. it all needs to get done :)

Ok, so I could start working on this starting from Sunday (I'm unavailable from Wednesday to Friday, each week) I hope (it mostly depends how much time it will take to set up basic environment based on trunk).

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