how to use the cache-to-disk feature in Wallpaper

Benoit Jacob jacob.benoit.1 at
Mon Apr 13 22:31:07 CEST 2009

2009/4/13 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>:
> On Monday 13 April 2009, Benoit Jacob wrote:
>> // remove old image from cache
>> kDebug() << "remove " << m_cacheKey;
>> insertIntoCache(m_cacheKey, QImage());
> fixed in svn; what was happening was that a kio job was being created while
> the app was being destroyed ... so it would never hit the event loop (no
> longer exists) and therefore never auto-start the job. this was causing
> console output like:
>        A KUiServerJobTracker instance contains 1 stalled jobs
> so now i just exec the job.
> p.s. plasmawallpaperviewer now calls save() on app exit.

Cool, thanks !

Btw, plasmawallpaperviewer has been very useful for valgrinding my
wallpaper. I could never valgrind plasma-desktop as it's far too


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