Review Request: Prevent Plasma popups from showing over screensaver

Chani chanika at
Sun Apr 12 00:55:39 CEST 2009

On April 10, 2009 18:25:49 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Friday 10 April 2009, Chani wrote:
> > I'm still wondering... why does the existing screensaver restacking code
> > not work on these popups?
> hazarding a complete guess: because we mark the windows to be ignored by
> the window manager. and apparently that means no help, not even for the
> screensaver.

that doesn't make sense, though. iirc the appletbrowser has that set, and I 
think I set it on a bunch of stuff in plasma-overlay, and I still get mapnotify 
events... hmm... but we also check visibility events to trigger restacking, so 
maybe those aren't working...? or maybe stayontop() has issues... no, I'm 
pretty sure that stayontop works...

how often is this a case of the notification staying on top of the screensaver, 
and how often is it a case of the screensaver not bothering to redraw itself 
after something gets on top for a spilt second?

have you seen ?

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