Usability questions for Mandelbrot

Benoit Jacob jacob.benoit.1 at
Fri Apr 10 19:13:22 CEST 2009

2009/4/10 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>:
> On Friday 10 April 2009, Benoit Jacob wrote:
>> 2) There are no hoverEnterEvent and hoverLeaveEvent methods in
>> Wallpaper. So I tried reimplementing QObject::event() but it doesn't
>> seem to ever get called: the following gives nothing, not even the
>> mouse events that are well handled:
> yes, i think you can only do it on mouse press/release atm. wallpaper don't
> support hover effects, which may have been a real oversight when we were
> designing them. unfortunately adding new virtuals isn't possible, though if
> hover really becomes an issue would could introduce a new WallaperV2 sort of
> class that does this...

OK. Well, to make it clear, i think that the present use case is NOT
important enough to justfy doing that, as it's no big deal (and
possibly even better) to stick with the default mouse pointer here.


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