Desktop settings dialog ideas

Emdek emdeck at
Tue Apr 7 21:15:41 CEST 2009

On Saturday 07-04-2009 18:33:53 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Saturday 04 April 2009, Emdek wrote:
>> First idea, easier to do, is to add back to dialog pages with settings  
>> of
>> screensaver and power saving (maybe there were also other, I don't
>> remember) like in KDE3. This location was logical and they were easier  
>> to
>> reach in few clicks. This idea is described in wish #185153.
> what's wrong with system settings, and what does power management /  
> screen
> saver have to do with the primary user interface? why not put session
> management and login opitions and mimetype associations and .. there too?

Ok, unimportant.

>> The second could be harder to do.
>> It would be nice if we could get rid of the second dialog and merge  
>> these
>> settings as pages in main dialog. But there could be problem with
>> dynamically changing list of available pages when changing containment  
>> type
>> and hitting Apply button.
> that wouldn't be hard to do at all. however, i'd like to first see the  
> current
> Appearance Settings dialog be broken into two clear things: the  
> application
> global settings (e.g. the deskto theme selector) and the containment  
> specific
> ones. there's a page on techbase about the global settings. these should  
> go
> into system settings.


>> Additionally I've one small question, why there is no entry in any  
>> context
>> menu of Plasma to show information about Plasma or KDE?
> why are these such important pieces of information that we'd clutter up  
> the UI
> with them? we don't have the luxury of a menubar, so we'd have to find  
> some
> other place to put them.

Ok, this was only small question. ;-)

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