Desktop settings dialog ideas

Emdek emdeck at
Sat Apr 4 22:51:54 CEST 2009


I've some ideas for desktop containment settings.
Currently we have one dialog with appearance settings and sometimes next one for specific containments options (like in folder view).

First idea, easier to do, is to add back to dialog pages with settings of screensaver and power
saving (maybe there were also other, I don't remember) like in KDE3.
This location was logical and they were easier to reach in few clicks.
This idea is described in wish #185153.

The second could be harder to do.
It would be nice if we could get rid of the second dialog and merge these settings as pages in main dialog.
But there could be problem with dynamically changing list of available pages when changing containment type and hitting Apply button.

Another idea for this could be showing this second dialog after hitting kind of "Options" button next to containment type combobox.
But this could be harder to find and look uglier but better than two configuration entries in desktop context menu.

Additionally I've one small question, why there is no entry in any context menu of Plasma to show information about Plasma or KDE?

Best regards

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