Status of multi-monitor support

Aike J Sommer dev at
Fri Oct 10 08:42:28 CEST 2008

Am Freitag, 10. Oktober 2008 06:49:32 schrieb Guillaume Pothier:
> Hi, I'm starting to get a better idea of how all of this works now. I
> started hacking on plasmaapp. Kephal will actually make the code
> simpler as it provides finer-grained signals (screen added, removed,
> moved, resized), so the behavior of adjustSize can actually be split
> between the corresponding slots (I started doing that).
> Question: Plasma::View has an "int screen" attribute, that currently
> indicates "the xinerama screen number; -1 for no screen". Is that ok
> to replace that with a "kephal::Screen *screen" attribute? I think it
> should be ok, as kephal would be ultimately responsible of choosing
> between xrandr and xinerama, hiding those details from plasma. Or
> maybe the attribute could remain an int, but it would be a kephal
> screen number instead of a xinerama screen number?

Kephal uses int's as ids for the screens, so i guess its best to just stick 
with using int's...

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