JOLIE and Plasma: status and discussion

Fabrizio Montesi famontesi at
Tue Nov 25 15:09:58 CET 2008

Ulp! Code! ;)


I made a first version of the script library for making adaptors. 
YahooSearch.ol is an implemented custom adaptor that does the following:
- takes an init parameter at starting;
- composes request data and calls the yahoo web search service converting this 
data into a querystring;
- receives an XML document, parses it, takes the first hit of the web search 
and returns it to plasma.

That adaptor would be used as follows:

QMap<QString, QVariant> initData;
initData["applicationId"] = my_application_id;
Service::access("YahooSearch.ol", initData);

Btw1: why QMap and not QHash? Probably a newbie question from a non-qt dev, 
but I'm interested. It's to avoid the O(n) worst case?

Btw2: I was using QMap for simplicity in the discussion (I couldn't find a 
KConfigGroup p::s example after some svn browsing..), but we should use a 
KConfigGroup& for initData and equip each adaptor with a .operations file, 

In December/January we're going to merge protocol-independent message type 
support in JOLIE. So in the future we'd be able to automatically generate a 
.operations file from a JOLIE script. We're stuck to making them by hand until 
then, though, unless I'm missing something.

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