bug update

Petri Damstén petri.damsten at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 15:38:40 CET 2008

On Wednesday 19 November 2008 16:22:36 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 November 2008, Petri Damstén wrote:
> > - I had vertical panel on right side of the second screen, now it's
> > vanished. konsole is maximized so windows still think it's there.
> which means the panel still thinks its there too. look for debug output on
> konsole about view creation and panels near the start of plasma..

plasma(882) PlasmaApp::createView: Containment name: "Panel" | type 1 | 
screen: 0 | desktop: -1 | geometry: QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) | zValue: 150                                    
plasma(882)/libplasma Plasma::ViewPrivate::updateSceneRect: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
setting the scene rect to QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) associated screen is 0                               
plasma(882) PanelView::pinchContainment: **************************** pinching 
QRect(0,0 1280x1024) 1280                                                                           
plasma(882) PanelView::updatePanelGeometry: New panel geometry is QRectF(0,-44 
plasma(882) PanelView::updatePanelGeometry: PanelView(0x12e6bb0) thinks its 
panel is at  QRect(0,986 1280x38) was QRect(0,0 1280x409)                                              
plasma(882) PanelView::pinchContainment: Done pinching, containement's geom 
QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) own geom QRect(0,986 1280x38)                                                    
plasma(882) PanelView::PanelView: Panel geometry is QRectF(0,-44 1280x38)       

plasma(882) PlasmaApp::createView: Containment name: "Panel" | type 1 | 
screen: 1 | desktop: -1 | geometry: QRectF(0,-126 1280x38) | zValue: 150                                   
plasma(882)/libplasma Plasma::ViewPrivate::updateSceneRect: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
setting the scene rect to QRectF(0,-126 1280x38) associated screen is 1                              
plasma(882) PanelView::pinchContainment: **************************** pinching 
QRect(1280,0 1280x1024) 1280                                                                        
plasma(882) PanelView::updatePanelGeometry: New panel geometry is 
QRectF(0,-126 1280x38)                                                                                           
plasma(882) PanelView::updatePanelGeometry: PanelView(0x1444170) thinks its 
panel is at  QRect(1279,986 1280x38) was QRect(0,0 1280x409)                                           
plasma(882) PanelView::pinchContainment: Done pinching, containement's geom 
QRectF(0,-126 1280x38) own geom QRect(1279,986 1280x38)                                                
plasma(882) PanelView::PanelView: Panel geometry is QRectF(0,-126 1280x38)  

plasma(882) PlasmaApp::createView: Containment name: "Panel" | type 1 | 
screen: 1 | desktop: -1 | geometry: QRectF(10070,-994 64x988) | zValue: 150                                
plasma(882)/libplasma Plasma::ViewPrivate::updateSceneRect: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
setting the scene rect to QRectF(10070,-994 64x988) associated screen is 1                           
plasma(882) PanelView::pinchContainment: **************************** pinching 
QRect(1280,0 1280x1024) 1024                                                                        
plasma(882) PanelView::updatePanelGeometry: New panel geometry is 
QRectF(10070,-994 64x988)                                                                                        
plasma(882) PanelView::updatePanelGeometry: PanelView(0x13c79e0) thinks its 
panel is at  QRect(2496,0 64x988) was QRect(0,0 1280x409)                                              
plasma(882) PanelView::pinchContainment: Done pinching, containement's geom 
QRectF(10070,-994 64x988) own geom QRect(2496,0 64x988)                                                
plasma(882) PanelView::PanelView: Panel geometry is QRectF(10070,-994 64x988)    

Hopefully this helps.


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