bug update

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Nov 18 18:59:40 CET 2008

On Tuesday 18 November 2008 18:22:22 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> remember when i said we had over 450 open reports? well .. due to heroic
> efforts by various people (Sebas, Marco and Riccardo have all been rather
> active over the last few days, and I've closed a few myself =) we're now
> down to 329 as of right now.

Oh, come on, you were a great part in this! your # of fixed bugs is no less than 
119 in just a week! it's simply impressive...

By the way, there's a cool feature in bugzilla that generates an iCal file from a 
query, and you can import it into your korganizer and see all the bugs as 
pending todos. =)

It's very useful for me...

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