KDE4 slow on thinclients (video)

Martin Vogt mvogt1 at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 6 19:29:46 CET 2008

Hello list,

I made a video which shows that KDE4 (on a SuSE 11.1b3) is
almost unusable on a thinclient setup:(26MB)


If you have a 1280x1024 desktop you need to make the video a bit
smaller and the video is a bit out of sync.
But I say during the video when I click and when
something happens on the desktop.

Usually between a click and the response there are 3-4 seconds
until something happens.

The video was recorded with recordmydesktop and I was able to
view it with vlc under linux/windows.(ogv format)

(Thinclients are a very common setup for linux in universities, for
example. KDE 3.5.x was very fast on thinclients, KDE 4 is
not usable in this setup.)

I can debug some things, but currently have no idea where to start.
When I look at the "top" console of the thinclient (the lower console
in the video)
I notice that on a right click on the desktop the X11 server on the
thinclient has
99% load for some seconds.(!)

Somewhere is a major bottleneck.



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