Extender api review, round 2

Rob Scheepmaker r.scheepmaker at student.utwente.nl
Tue Jul 29 14:16:35 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I've had a lot of feedback on the extender api, and now I've incorporated a lot of the suggestions into 
a more up to date api. Again, I'm looking forward to getting feedback to fine tune this api all the way.

Oh and another question, does anybody know if there's any way to determine if a top level QWidget is in 
front of another top level QWidget? Because to make drag & drop reliable, there really should be a way 
to determine which plasma view is on top at a specific location. And QApplication::topLevelAt won't do, 
since while dragging, there might be a graphicsView under the mouse cursor when dragging from view to 

Rob Scheepmaker
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