getting started with plasmoid development

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Thu Dec 18 04:56:21 CET 2008

Aaron J. Seigo said the following at 12/17/2008 05:57 PM :

>> find an example of a python plasmoid that uses a SignalPlotter the way that
>> I could for the DataEngine, though, so I have nothing to steal and no
>> documentation to get an understanding of what SignalPlotter does and how to
> ah, it's just a graph ... basically, you call addPlot for each line you'd like 
> it to graph; then you call addSample whenever the data updates =)

Man, that's sparse information. Who knows how I might want to plot the
information once I see what's available (I mean, there must be parameters
for colours, styles, etc.) Where's the source for SignalPlotter? At least I
should be able to figure out the API from that (I'm assuming that because
you didn't say "go look at URL <something>", that there isn't any useful


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