Two patches for notes plasmoid

Michael Rudolph michael.rudolph at
Mon Aug 25 15:14:59 CEST 2008

2008/8/25 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>:
> hi Björn =)
> On Sunday 24 August 2008, Björn Ruberg wrote:
>> 156312:
>> Someone wanted to have the possibility to save the notes content to a file.
> why not =)
Hello everyone,

that's a rhetorical question, Aaron, right? 'Couse if it weren't, I'd
answer: There surely are reasons, why we shouldn't do this! (probably
it's just one reason)

It reinforces the old paradigm and destabilizes plasma's attempt to
bring about a better, more humane way of working with computers.

When I have a sticky note on my desktop, I have this sticky note on my
desktop (obviously :-). What else could my computer (or the user
interface) want to make me do, to really make this sticky note stick
to my desktop?

Beyond the sticky note appearing on my desktop, there is no action,
intelligible to a human being, that I could take to make it stickier.

By introducing a save-option, we tell the user: hey user, there is
this implementation-level detail, that you are surely interested in,
it's called a file system (yeah, don't ask) and this is the real deal.
Just because you see something on your desktop, doesn't mean it's
really there. It's not persistent, or maybe it is. The file system,
which you don't see, is the real deal, the desktop, which you can see
and directly interact with, is just a visualization of the file

We break the users confidence that his note is indeed a note, and
imply that it is in fact a highly technical and complicated thing,
that we just try to make look like it was a note.

What would be a use case for this "save as" functionality?

I realize that notes are saved automatically, and Björn's patch is
just an additional "save as" option; but that is exactly the problem:
the current notes widget wonderfully abstracts away the file system. A
note behaves almost like a real note. With the new functionality, we
introduce the file system and thereby destroy the lovely humanity of
the interface we previously had.

Oh well, too bad, it was just a rhetorical question :-)


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