issues with Extender

Rob Scheepmaker r.scheepmaker at
Sat Aug 9 11:18:05 CEST 2008

On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 10:47:43AM -0600, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi all... (and in particular Rob =)
> my first foray into Extenderland has been ok, though not perfect.

Of course, it can still benefit a lot from some more polish and testing.
Looking forward to do that when I get back.
> things i've noticed:
> * we really need a setWidget(QGraphicsWidget*) in Plasma::Dialog ;) otherwise 
> i can just see us writing these same lines of code over and over again:
>         d->calendarDialog = new Plasma::Dialog();
>         QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(d->calendarDialog);
>         lay->setMargin(0);
>         lay->setSpacing(0);
>         QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(d->calendarDialog);
>         lay->addWidget(view);
>         view->setScene(scene());
>         view->setSceneRect(extender()->mapToScene(extender()-
> >geometry()).boundingRect());
>         view->resize(extender()->size().toSize());

Yeah, of course popupapplet should be able to take care of that, but
It'll be usefull anyway for other users of Dialog, or extender applets
that don't want to use popupapplet for whatever reason.
> * we're missing the widgets/grabber svg! i couldn't figure out why i was 
> getting no drag handle ;)

see my response to that mailing list threat.
> * the collapse icon (at least i think that is what it is?) gets shown on first 
> show, but eventully just goes away. i think this is probably related to not 
> having widgets/grabber in the theme

Yeah, currently te size of the collapse icon is set by a icon size hint
element in the svg, so it'll be 0 when that's not available... I'm not
sure if that's the right way (tm), but It gives themers the possibility
to choose diferent icon sizes depending on if the want a compact, or
clearer but more wastefull style.
> * when an applet creates an extender, then quits and is restored ... the 
> extenders are also restored. this was a bit counter-intuitive at first. while 
> writing the code, i didn't expect all extenders to be persistent, at least not 
> if the source was the same as the host (e.g. the extender never moved). it was 
> a bit unexpected =)

I can imagine that. It's sometimes difficult to know what other people
would expect. When AutoExpireDelay is set, the items are not persistent,
but I agree it's probably more sane to make any not detached item not

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