Akademy coordination: Plasma frenzy, BoF, Tokamak II

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 20:37:36 CEST 2008

On Sunday 03 August 2008, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hey all =)
> for those attending akademy, we need to coordinate a bit here.
> Plasma Frenzy
> =========
> first up is the Plasma Frenzy, which is an hour of lightening talks on
> Plasma stuff. that means people (you =) getting up for (literaly) 5 minutes
> or less and presenting some cool / interesting / awesome / bizarre /
> twisted feature in Plasma.
> this will happen at the end of the first day. personally, i'd really like
> to see at least the following topics presented:
> * Extenders
> * notify plasmoid
> * kuiserver plasmoid
> * plasma-on-screensaver
> * now playing (to show Service! =)
> some others that came to mind:
> * widget API design concepts
not that i have time to prepare it, but i could do something on widgets api 
and theming approaches
> * scripting status update
> * plasmagik update
> * using QGraphicProxyWidget (e.g. Calendar and Character Selector applets)
> * using PopupApplet
> the JOLIE stuff has its own talk, so i don't think we need to do that one
> unless we end up pressed for material.
> so we need volunteers (you =) to talk about what you're doing. i'll leave
> my laptop connected to the projector the whole time and you can show your
> stuff using it (i'll be sure to have everything updated and well
> functioning). all you need to do is come up with 3-5 minutes of stuff to
> say and what you want to show on the screen.
> BoF
> ===
> i'd like to host a BoF for Plasma on one of the days. it would be mostly
> for us and people who aren't in the Plasma core team to come together. i
> don't have any info on BoF stuff though; i asked the coordination team and
> they just said that info would be coming soon, but nothing else.
> Tokamak Area
> =========
> i'd also like to lay claim to an area in the Akademy grounds that we can
> use for a "Tokamak Area". i'll hang out in there as much as possible (e.g.
> when i'm not speaking at the usability session or attending the maemo
> workshop) and be working on plasma stuff. you are all welcome to join and
> Make Great Things Happen just like at Tokamak I.
> ideas for what to do are welcome. getting some API review in might be a
> good idea, as would a good 4.2 planning session.
> ok, that's all for now. see you all at Akademy! =)

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