extender api review round 3

Richard Moore richmoore44 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 23:26:22 CEST 2008


setIsPopup -> setPopup

should saveState() be public? Why no restoreState()?

itemHoverLeaveEvent but no itemHoverEnterEvent seems like a bad asymmetry.


KConfigGroup config();
should this be const?

We have:
void setAutoExpireDelay(uint time = 0);
bool hasAutoExpireDelay() const;
but no getter. Seems odd.

void destroy(); Needs better API docs. How does this differ from
simply deleting the object?

the protected methods have no docs.


virtual void initExtenderItem(ExtenderItem *item);

This api feels a bit of kludge. As documented it sounds like an API
for dealing with abnormal failures like crashes. These should be
avoided rather than coded for. Am I missing something?



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