about MediaSource::Empty

Luc Menut Luc.Menut at supagro.inra.fr
Tue Oct 13 00:34:34 CEST 2009

Martin Sandsmark a écrit :
>  Mandag 12. oktober 2009 01.25.29 skrev Luc Menut :
>> Couldn't we remove this restriction for MediaObject::stop(), allowing to
>> stop mediaobject with any valid source including empty source?
> Yes, this restriction seems a bit silly. Have you tested what happens when the 
> backend (Xin and GStreamer) gets asked to stop with an empty source?

currently, nothing happens; the call to stop is silently ignored.

in phonon/mediaobject.cpp,
114 void MediaObject::stop()
115 {
116     K_D(MediaObject);
117     if (d->backendObject() && isPlayable(d->mediaSource.type())) {
118         INTERFACE_CALL(stop());
119     }
120 }

there is no else, so nothing happens.



Luc Menut

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