xine backend equalizer plugin [patch] [resend]

Artur Szymiec artur.szymiec at
Thu May 21 21:17:28 CEST 2009

Dnia 2009-05-21, czw o godzinie 14:05 -0500, Ian Monroe pisze:

> I guess one concern I have is that you use headers with ominious names
> like "xine_internal.h".
> I wouldn't doubt you that your equalizer is better's then Xine's
> (since Xine's always made things quiet sounding), but perhaps an
> improved equalizer would be better pushed upstream to Xine then? I'd
> rather just use what Xine provides and not have to worry about
> something breaking with different versions of Xine.
> Ian

Well regarding pushing it to upstream (means xine devel) - a year ago I
prepared a patch that
gave a xine better equalizer (2nd order IIR) but it was so though to
convince the head developer
of xine that it really makes the difference if you use floating point
data instead of fixed point that I gave up.
I will not count on pushing it into xine stream - it's very conservative
development stream.

I hope this equalizer is opportunity to give a phonon (and by that also
to Amarok) a better sound and that will not fall into void.
Xine also doesn't provide fade plugin - I think while it's implemented
as xine plugin (kvolumefader) for phonon use - so it can be equalizer.

Regarding use of xine_internal.h - I'll review it asap and let you know.

Best regards

Artur Szymiec

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