Creative direction of plasma

Chani chanika at
Thu May 29 16:12:02 CEST 2008

> > * the top panel area with the control icons
> >
> > i've often considered how to let applets show little "toolbars" like this
> > in a standard way. perhaps we could extend the window decorations (once
> > they are in svn) to allow applets to register actions that show up in a
> > specific area (such as in the mockup)
> atm implementing something that looks like that is possible but it would
> require a ton of custom code.
> that would be neat to have a standard way and now that i think about it
> would really make sense to have them in the window decoration stuff (maybe
> appearing on mouse over?)

my QAction senses are tingling...
it really shouldn't require a ton of code... at least, I hope it 
wouldn't... :) heck, we already have the ability to create a Plasma::Icon 
based on an action. I know nothing of how this window-decoration thing will 
work, though.

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