Bug triaging

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon May 26 06:10:56 CEST 2008

On Sunday 25 May 2008, Alex Merry wrote:
> On Sunday 25 May 2008 16:18:09 Jason Stubbs wrote:
> > I'm planning to go through again to get rid of the dupes and useless
> > crashes, but what to do with the 4.0 bugs? Should they be closed? Could a
> > new version be created against the plasma component so that they can be
> > easily closed after 4.1 is released? Something else I haven't considered?

if they aren't relevant to 4.1, please just close them.

thanks for doing some triage..

> I'd say that if it can't easily be fixed in 4.0, then it should be closed. 
> If it can then leave it open until 4.1 is released, as a fix could still go
> into another point release (I think we're due at least one more, and quite
> possibly two or three - I lose track).

i'd honestly prefer people to work on getting 4.1 into shape rather than spend 
time on 4.0 now that we are into beta season.

> But we should definitely have a way to separate 4.0 and trunk (and then 4.1
> when that's released, and so on).

well, we do: the version # on the bug. not that bugzilla is very good at 
this ...

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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