Adding SVG image operations?

Jamboarder jamboarder at
Sat May 17 22:42:49 CEST 2008

--- Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at> wrote:
> That's what I thought as a complicated example when
> thinking of Plasma
> themes and Lua. =)
> Summing up, I really think that something similar is
> really really
> needed, to be able
> to give more control to the theme authors who care.
> I'm just thinking of different svgs loaded
> conditionally depending on
> the formfactor, or on the size... that would make
> possible e.g. using
> the analog clock in the panel, being still able to
> read it. =)
> And, it wouldn't be mandatory to use, so it's just
> for those who care. =)

These are interesting solutions, but I'd offer that we
really need to spend some energy clearly defining the
problem each of these solutions are trying to solve. 
At least that way we can determine if each proposed
solution is the best one.

peace and much respect,
Andrew (Jamboarder)

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