[PATCH] svg theming on the pager

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Fri May 9 23:55:48 CEST 2008

On Friday 09 May 2008, Sebastian Kuegler wrote:
> On Friday 09 May 2008 20:43:17 Marco Martin wrote:
> > the last bit in the default panel that wasn't themeable with cute svgs
> > was the pager, so i've added the support for loading an svg theme (it
> > will still fallback to normal rendering if the svg or an svg element is
> > not found), and with a theme done with nuno it's how it looks like:
> > http://img110.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pager1mw3.png
> > in the screenshot the active desktop is the second and the mouse is over
> > the third
> >
> > taking with nuno on how it should be to really look good some points had
> > emerged (that will need an agreement :)
> > it should look as less cluttered as possible, since it will fill with
> > many micro windows that looks very busy, nothing should be added to that,
> > so: * desktop number/name will appear only on mouse over (maybe even
> > animate in the future)
> Doesn't this make the active item, which also is the one the user focuses
> on (for example when dragging a windows from desktop to desktop)?

uhmmm don't really understood :D but yeah, when you drag a window the number 
of the desktop gets shown

> >  * window icons disabled by default
> They look kind of cool, but I agree that is doesn't improve readability.
> Default to off, with an option to enable it is OK I think.
yep, this is an option already so that's the easy part :)
> > the panel should be less tall to make the task icons exactly the same
> > size of the systray icons (it should need a separate discussion :)
> > so the pager if has two lines the mini desktops are really too mini and
> > if it takes one row they becomes too big and takes up a big amount of the
> > panel. so some margin is added, used to draw the background similar to
> > the other themed applets (like the systray in the screenshot) that both
> > makes coherence with other applets and makes the pager of just the right
> > size (tm) to make a single line pager tat looks  i was also thinking
> > about disabling the background and the margins if the size of the mini
> > desktops becomes too little
> The one rowed pager also affects the layout of the desktops in the desktop
> grid effect when compositing is enabled. Zooming out then squeezes all
> desktops on one screen, so they're distorted, it looks awful with 4
> desktops in a row. The layout of the desktops in kwin reflected in the
> pager is I think very important for the spatial understanding of where your
> windows are, and what a virtual desktop is. With the current proposal in
> one row and with margins at the top and bottom, we also violate Fitt's law,
> the clickable or hover area should be touching the edge of the screen.
> (This is especially true with only one row of course).
aah, i see, baaad :(
it should somehow mantain the aspect ratio (maybe even with a cool effect like 
that http://pix.nofrag.com/b/6/3/ba9420a5c0c26340bf4a5e43c1a40.jpg) the 
desktops would be smaller but way cooler :)

for the fitts lawit should react to mouse events also when the mouse is some 
pixels under the desktop windows, should try, wonder how feasible it is

i think with a single row would be better but well, if won't be possible to 
find a solution that works with kwin it could wait i suppose :)

> I do agree that the default size of the panel should be smaller.

yeah, the problem is that with a smaller size a 2x2 grid looks really 
microscopic :(

Marco Martin

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