KRunner config dialog

Jordi Polo mumismo at
Thu May 8 10:18:20 CEST 2008

> >  > * Got rid of the blacklist and revamped the load function. (Whitelists
> >  > make more sense since the default behavior should be "plugin disabled
> >  > by default" ie X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=false)
> >
> >  i'm really on the fence on this one. white lists mean newly added
> runners
> >  aren't automatically picked up; that actually isn't what we want here.
> we
> >  should listen to EnabledByDefault, but the default should be enabled.
> >  krunner's usefulness is really based on this concept.
> In that case I'm adding a "load all plugin option" to the config
> dialog that will bypass normal behavior.

Isn't blacklisting easier and more general?

> >  note that performMatch is also used for rate limiting, of course, so it
> >  retains its usefulness.
> Yes I noticed that part but it might have been possible to move that
> logic elsewhere. I also noticed that rateLimiting has been causing
> starvation on my end. Xesam runner gets promoted to fast runner, then
> starves everything else when it becomes slow again... I'll look into

I have problems with the xesam runner also. I think it is a good thing to
have at least one slow runner to stress krunner. Once I thought about making
a test runner that just sleeps 300/400ms and then finish, Xesam runner is
just perfect.

Jordi Polo Carres
NLP laboratory - NAIST
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