GSoC Idea: better multi-head support

Aike J Sommer dev at
Fri Mar 21 13:17:02 CET 2008

> there is an application called krandrtray that provides a (KDE) GUI for
> xrandr. it's not exactly perfect though, imho, and could use some
> additional work. it's pretty much a straight translation between xrandr and
> a UI. it could be made a lot more user friendly though, imho.

I actually have that running here... It only makes use of xrandr 1.1 or is 
there a newer version somewhere??
It might make a good starting point for the advanced configuration module, 
basically adding support for features that are new to xrandr 1.2 and for 
profiles (and making it a little more oriented on what a user might want to 
do and not how xrandr works) :-)

> so essentially merging krandrtray with the devices plasmoid? that could be
> interesting.

Well, i think the actions offered in the notifier should be more about what 
that display should be used for, such as clone or extend... Changing 
resolution and refresh-rate could be done in the configuration dialog or 
maybe even in the context-menu of the pager or a special plasmoid visualizing 
the connected monitors.

> > 4) This includes making the "New Device Notifier" monitor-aware, provide
> >    feedback in the pager and allowing to apply settings from the
> >    profiles.
> what sort of feedback in the pager?

It should show all monitors with respect to their relative sizes and 
The highlighted virtual desktop might be the just the part representing the 
monitor where the mouse is currently on... These are just some quick ideas, 
hope it kinda makes sense! :-)
I would love to have totally independent virtual-desktops per screen too, but 
i guess that would require aditional support from kwin! Actually now that i 
think about it, that might be relatively easy to do without support from 
kwin... I'll try that 2nite!! :-)

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