Using git-svn with review board?

Marijn Kruisselbrink m.kruisselbrink at
Tue Mar 18 15:45:27 CET 2008

Sebastian Kuegler wrote:
> I can imagine that this forms a real barrier for some (me), but maybe someone 
> has already solved that?
I'm using this small shell-script to generate a diff between the current 
working copy and HEAD that review-board will accept with git-svn. This 
does assume that HEAD is actually an svn revision, I don't think it will 
work when you have already comitted changes locally.

REV=`git-svn find-rev HEAD`
git-diff --no-prefix $* HEAD | sed -e 's/^+++ .*/&  (working copy)/' -e 
"s/^--- .*/&  (revision $REV)/"

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