[PATCH] update interval bugfix

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 06:46:48 CET 2008

> you can change members in the dptr in a const method just fine.

oh, cool. that.. makes sense, yes.

> this could also be done a bit better by making setCachedUpdated() set dirty
> to true. this would achieve the same thing and be even more straight
> forward, as well as removing the need for the extra boolean as well.

I thought about that, but then how does it get reliably un-set again? I think 
I needed a way to tell the difference between something being really dirty 
and just faking it.

> after calling setCachedUpdated() in DataEngine::internalUpdateSource, a
> call to d->queueUpdate() is also needed just in case we don't get any other
> valid updates.

err.... hrm. I'm not so sure about this.
let me go reread the code after tomorrow's exam. I don't remember this patch 
clearly enough.

> API wise ... perhaps setNeedsUpdate(bool needsUpdate = true) would be
> better than setCachedUpdate even?

there's no reason to set it to anything other than true right now... but yes, 
that would make the API feel better.

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