No Wallpaper patch

Alex Merry huntedhacker at
Thu Jan 10 11:58:32 CET 2008

At Wednesday 09 January 2008 23:56, you wrote:
> this enables the option "No Wallpaper" in the Configure Desktop dialog.  
> Preview for no wallpaper isn't working.  I haven't figured out why yet..  
> Here's the patch.

Excellent!  Just a few comments:

Why do you need the drawImage bool in setPreview/the render() call?  Why not just check for an empty QString for the image in render()?

+        config.writeEntry("wallpaper", "");

This should be QString(), rather than "" (efficiency, and clearer typing).

Also, for clarity, you could merge the kNoBackground and kStaticBackground cases in changeBackgroundMode().

With the attached patch (which is yours with the above points fixed), preview works for me when you change the wallpaper mode, but not when you change colour.

To update on colour change, you need to listen to the relevant signal from the colour widget.

You should also make the picture and positioning widgets disappear when selecting "None".

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