Toolbox Brainstorming

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sat Jan 5 19:58:46 CET 2008

On Saturday 05 January 2008, pinheiro wrote:
> A Saturday 05 January 2008 02:21:44, Craig Duquette escreveu:

> I will have to agrea with Craig on this one, To me it looks a bit to
> visible there (a "on your face"), just my personal feeling.

what about it is too visible? i'm really trying to get this one better defined 
in my head.

on my desktop it takes 0.07% of my screen pixels. (yes, 0.07%, not .7% or 7%)
on my laptop it takes 0.1% of the pixels of my screen.
on a 800x600 screen it would take 0.2% of the screen pixels.

it doesn't interfere with windows or applets.

so ... is it that the icon is too bright? (we could grey it out when not 
activated, though it would be good to make it at least someone noticeable)

is it that you're just not used to it?

perhaps it would be better to revisit this in a month once everyone has had a 
chance to use it for a while.

> > So that's why I wanted to brainstorm, the toolbox should remain, I just
> > don't need a constant reminder its there. Hence why my contribution to
> > plasma has been trying to hide/shrink the toolbox :P and why I'm
> > brainstorming on a way to make it stand out less.
> My personal opinion is that it should be in the pannel.

again, this just doesn't work for either the concept of containments (what 
happens when zoomed out and you can see multiple desktop containments? to 
name one issue) and means that one has to travel to the panel to change 
someone on a desktop which is pretty non-intuitive and, unless you are using 
a pen based devices, laborious.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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