Review Request: Mission FixTwitter: Layouts Respecting Margins and TopLeft Offsets

Aaron Seigo aseigo at
Tue Feb 12 09:46:52 CET 2008

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(Updated 2008-02-12 02:46:52.561085)

Review request for Plasma.


This is monster patch that does the follow:

* moves the idea of margins up to LayoutItem, allowing any LayoutItem to have a margin
* moves the idea of the size of the item up to LayoutItem, as both Widget and Layout implemented it separately
* provides a way in LayoutItem to adjust a rect within an item to its margins (that is what LayoutItem::topLeft() is there for)
* fix several bugs, both painting and sizing, in LineEdit
* Applet sets margins now based on the existence of setDrawBackground

this patch may, in theory, make the (0, 0) offset rendering unnecessary, though it would require instrumenting all non-layout using widgets to respect margins; so probably not worth it, but interesting to note.

BIC, mostly SC.





So far, tested with Twitter in plasmoidviewer and on desktop, with tasks on desktop and in panel, full plasma session ....



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