killing runners

Jordi Polo mumismo at
Mon Apr 28 03:12:04 CEST 2008

I'm splitting my last emails to make them more easily understandable.

We have the problem of running runners (not in queue, but running) that can
not be signalized to finish when a new query is launched and thus, they are
running on obsolete data. They are a bad thing (tm).

I am thinking about something like this:

- bool AbstractRunner::criticalSection,
setCriticalSection will be set to true when a critical section of the runner
is entered, so far, that sections will be when the runner is modifying the
SearchContext, as locks will be held.

- Implement FindMatchesJob::requestAbort as
 if (!m_runner->criticalSection())

I am not sure if this will be enough to make ThreadWeaver stop and delete
this job but I think it will.
The problem is that all the runners should be changed to use
setCriticalSection (true) where needed.
Also a bad written runner can be killed in a critical section leading to a
held lock.

Jordi Polo Carres
NLP laboratory - NAIST
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