API review: protected config of applet

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 15:22:30 CEST 2008

Hi all,

i was trying to get congig() globalConfig() etc protected, but i encountered 
some problems.
there areKickoff and desktop containment that have things that access the 
applet config from outside the applet.
for Kickoff the problem is the Launcher class, the QWidget that manages all 
the menu things, so should still store his config into applet config? making 
it a friend of applet? or making the applet co copy a pointer to his config 
into launcher with something like Launcher::setConfig()?

the desktop containment has all his uglyness in IconLoader, that access the 
config of the containment (friend?)
the real problem is that it access the config of the icon applets (only the 
ones that are in the ~/Desktop folder) and this is more tricky.
making it include the iconapplet header (uuuugly) so it can acces to a 
function like url()?
or even taking it as an excuse to kill IconLoader? (probably should be done 
one day or another)

Marco Martin

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