[REVIEW] removing (probably) unnecessary condition in dataUpdated(...)

Alex Merry huntedhacker at tiscali.co.uk
Wed Apr 16 12:46:38 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 16 April 2008 08:47:18 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> thinking about it more in the shower this morning, i decided that since we
> can't guarantee exact sub-second timings anyways that we could just go
> ahead and round all requests to multiples of 1000 (100ms, 250ms and
> 500ms?). we already round to the nearest 50ms and no one (besides you, due
> to spelunking in the code itself) seems to have noticed (let alone cared)

Huh?  You mean multiples of 100, surely?  1000 is the nearest second...


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