Minor issue with Panel corners

pinheiro nuno at oxygen-icons.org
Thu Apr 3 07:23:01 CEST 2008

A Thursday 03 April 2008 05:27:50, Aaron J. Seigo escreveu:
> On Wednesday 02 April 2008, James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> > Should I write a bug report for this?
> that would be because it is using an svg that doesn't cover the whole panel
> (the black bit in the corner) but there isn't a composition manager (CM)
> running.
> the solution we have to this is providing svg's that do cover the full area
> of the widget in the opaque/ folder of the theme. i don't think we ship a
> file in opaque/widgets/panel-background.svg and so you get the one that
> really only works with a CM.
> solution: make a square edged svg and put it in opaque =)
> what's cool is that if a CM appears at runtime, it will switch to the nice
> rounded edges svg automatically (without the panel even knowing =).. and if
> the CM disappears, it goes back to the opaque/ version. whee..

the nice thing about the the theme i made last time for plasma is just that... 
its has a version for round courners with cm and another with rect corners 
for no cm. that was the general idea to make the difrence minimum. the rect 
one is almost nice apart from the bit to agrressive look.



core oxygen icon designer

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