[Panel-devel] more questions

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 12:35:46 CEST 2007

now that the right-click menu only shows up on the desktop, that means that 
the applet browser needs to be able to add to any containment (not just the 
one it belongs to), right? oh, and what about adding a 'remove this applet' 
button so that badly-behaved apps can be killed off?

when the desktop is zoomed out, the panel appears both fullsize and on the 
zoomed-out desktop. it should only appear full-size, right?

does anyone know why the systray appears in the wrong place when it's on the 
panel? or why the taskbar doesn't properly show up until I add or remove an 
applet from the panel?

I see karamba stuff in corona; shouldn't that be somewhere else, like in the 
desktop containment?

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