[Panel-devel] KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/digital-clock

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Fri Nov 30 22:38:29 CET 2007

On Friday 23 November 2007 11:26:43 Sebastian Kuegler wrote:
> Yes. It removes the SVG themed one. The plain one is still there. Aaron
> suggested this on panel-devel, and from the lack of objections, I figured
> I'd go ahead and do it -- we're getting close, and I'd like to have the
> default applets finished soon.

I've read it too, but I thought it was just a "I don't like it too much", not 
an imperative order from Mr, Maintainer. ;-)
So, let me take this occasion to get things rolling out nicely. =)

> If you're not happy with this, I can revert, don't want to step on your
> toes, of course.

Please do, I have some local modifications (local modifications as per git-svn 
commits) and I can't update since a while because doing so would mean loads 
of nice conflicts to be solved. Ah, and to make this point clear even more, 
I'm not angry at all with you. =)

Now, someone complained in the last meeting that the clock look with the SVGs 
was not good enough to be default. I've worked some days in a past week (~3 
weeks ago or more) to make it look ok, but I worked on it just for the Panel 
or MediaCenter formfactors, as these were the only ones availeable in the 
plasmoid viewer. At the time I didn't really bother to make it support a 
runtime change of the formfactor, I was pretty busy and wasn't really feeling 
like doing so.
Now that Aaron the great has done that yesterday night (and let me thank thee 
again for that ;-) ), I can sanely work on fine tuning the panel look without 
suffering of a continuous restart of the desktop. ;-)

So, I want to say some final words: please tell me what you don't/didn't like 
in the SVG clock, which are your issues, make a list, and I'll go over all 
the points you make in this weekend. I'll be availeable on IRC too, if you 
want to talk to me directly over there, or think it's a better way to 
communicate. I promise you'll have all of what you want there implemented, so 
we can get this kicking-ass clock out soon and making its way to KDE 4.0.

Just a quick note on the look it is supposed to have: the clock should look 
like the three images you can see at the extreme right of [1] (but with a 
slightly nicer background than what you see with KSVG, check with inkscape to 
see what I mean). The three are the ones which show the animation going on.

The thing missing right now is the grey rect on the background, which I think 
makes quite a big difference, as it make the digits stop looking like just 
being "throwed in" on the plasmoid interface.

[1] http://media.ruphy.org/quick/clock.svg

So, let's the complaints begin, I'll wait for them to get this sorted out just 
as well! =)

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