[Panel-devel] Facebook Plasma Engine and applet

Will Stephenson wstephenson at kde.org
Wed Jun 20 21:54:40 CEST 2007

On Wednesday 20 June 2007 13:01:12 Robert Knight wrote:
> > They admit that Even a closed source app
> > not really protect the key, but they are having some internal discussion
> > about how to proceed, so I don't really want to jump the gun.
> Okay, seems fair enough.  We have time for them to discuss.
> Thanks for the fix, I was able to start the applet successfully.  A
> couple of problems remain:
> - It asks for me to login each time the applet is used ( I am checking
> the 'Save my login' button )

I know - saving the session key and reusing it isn't implemented yet.

> - There seems to be a maximum time between opening the browser and a
> successful login.  The first time I tried I took too long and
> authentication failed.

QTimer::singleShot( 20000, ...

This is why I need a way to communicate with the engine to tell it when it can 
proceed with the session setup.  Someone on IRC suggested casting the 
DataEngine * returned by dataEngine to FacebookEngine and calling some extra 
methods there, but this is no good because it introduces tight coupling, 
which would require linking the applet vs its engine, and casts across 
dlloaded libraries are dodgy anyway.

Writing this email has inspired me to use QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), still a 
hack though.


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