[Panel-devel] data engine config

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 05:00:15 CET 2007

> three comments (i'm still on vacation for one more day, so it's all brief
> stuff today =):
> - this is going to encourage people to do the Wrong Thing(tm) in many cases
> by putting stuff that belongs in applets in engines. we'll have to provide
> some guiance in the apidox i think

when you're back from vacation, could you expand on this a bit please? I'd 
like to know what the Right Thing is for configuration, and for dataengines 
sending data.
I'm in the middle of fixing the twitter engine so that it doesn't leak memory 
when sending out a tweet, but it still abuses Q_PROPERTY to send the data 
from the applet to the engine.
having the code for sending things in the engine is very convenient, as it 
shares a bunch of stuff with the receiving code.

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