[Panel-devel] question about plasma
Daniel Bruegmann
danielbruegmann at gmx.net
Tue Aug 15 20:47:18 CEST 2006
Matt Broadstone wrote:
> On 8/15/06, Daniel Bruegmann <danielbruegmann at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I read the plasma website. Am I correct to think that plasma will
>> eventually replace kwin, kicker and kdesktop?
> Only Kicker and KDesktop, theoretically.
>> That's what it sounds
>> like, but it doesn't look like it in the svn repository (trunk).
> Nope, there is no real code in svn, you can look at some stuff Aaron
> checked in a few months ago in trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma and
> code I checked in almost a year ago now in
> branches/work/kde4/playground/base
>>> Also, I
>> read that Rusin said that there was going to be some dashboard support,
>> but a grep -r dashboard * in kdebase/workspace didn't find anything.
> Yes dashboard support would be easy to implement, but thats much
> further down the line, we actually need a framework first
>> About the Junior Job (wiki) "Improve the semantics of isMainPanel and
>> isMenuBar in the extension manager by making it generic and providing a
>> isSpecialPanel(const QString& panelType) that then queries the panel
>> extension to discover if it is or is not that particular thing":
>> Wouldn't there also have to be a const QWidget* panel parameter? I'm
>> guessing that panelType should be compared to _extensionID of the
>> ExtensionContainer class, and not of panel extension. Please correct me
>> if I'm wrong.
>> Daniel
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> Nope, there is no real code in svn, you can look at some stuff Aaron
Does this mean the real code is not done yet, or are people just not
committing their stuff for whatever reason?
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