[Panel-devel] Design of Sensor and meters

Vinay Khaitan vkhaitan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 08:01:02 CEST 2005

> Me neither. There should be a way that sensors can asynchronously update a
> meter when it has new data, and then the meter can choose to update it's 
> counterpart depending on what the theme developer specifies. Probably
> implemented via slots/signals.

I think, you want to differentiate between meter data update and meter 
widget update, is it? That looks to me very simple and certainly useful. 
See, the data is always there with sensor for retrieving anytime. If meter 
doesn't want to update its gui, it will simply 
ignore the sensor's signal. If it wants to update gui later, it can get the 
value from sensor from function data() manually. What is the problem with 
it? or it may copy the data, which comes with signal, to its private 
variable. Whatever you chose, it is simple. I like the second solution.
Or Have I misunderstood you?
"and then the meter can choose to update it's GUI counterpart "---what does 
it mean? Meter itself would be QWidget hence GUI. so there is no as such any 

> oi vey. we need to have a discussion about what plasmoids are going to 
> look
> > like.
> Personally I don't like the pseudo xml .theme file format. I feel that it
> needs to be a bit more formal. Of course that is just for plasmoids that 
> are
> only implemented in this way. Other plasmoids will be written in ruby,
> kjsembed, etc., that will have their own structure b/c of the language 
> they
> are written.
> This could be a better avenue that would allow a more flexible approach 
> than
> traditional SK themes, but it may "raise the bar" for people starting out
> since they would need to understand these concepts before making
> themes/plasmoids.
It doesn't raise the bar than current theme format IMHO. The people coding 
would be a programmer of certain language. So scripting style should suit to 
them. And layout geometry stuff, it is for multimeter. They can get remain 
away from multimeter in initial stages.
Although Using layouts even for normal meter composition is also tempting. 
But usefulness of layout over "raising the bar" looks to me deciding in 
favour of layout.

Vinay Khaitan
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