[Panel-devel] wrapping up for 3.5

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Jun 2 06:09:28 CEST 2005

On Wednesday 01 June 2005 06:26, Barış Metin wrote:
> I'd like to disable the tipping just for clock applet, when the calendar is
> shown and re-enable it afterwards. I couldn't find a way to do it with
> current KickerTip. What do you think?

uninstall the event filter and then re-install it when the calendar is put 

i'd also suggest checking the timezone in ClockApplet::updateKickerTip. if it 
isn't the current timezone, then the time zone being shown should be added 
there. hm... in fact what might be nice is if a different timezone is being 
shown then show the time and tz name and then below that have the local time, 
something like:

19:00 GMT
12:00 local time

also, if you keep the mouse over the clock and the time/date changes, the tip 
will be out of sync. see attached (built, but untested) patch that adds 
KickerTip::Client::updateKickerTip(). calling this ought to update the 
contents of the tip, so the clock can call this when the time updates =)

Aaron J. Seigo
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