[Owncloud] coding needed for OC feature "share gallery by link", it is paid!

Robin Appelman icewind at owncloud.com
Tue Sep 17 21:27:18 UTC 2013

Some notes on this, as of oc6, sharing a gallery will be the same as sharing the folder of the galley, which means that public sharing for a gallery should be possible but you will just see the regular fold interface when opening the link.
A way could be added to detect that the folder mostly consists of images and present the galley interface instead.

 - Robin Appelman

JS <js08 at gmx.net> wrote:

>Dear OC fans,
>I am new to OwnCloud and I don't consider myself a technical expert. 
>However, I love OC. Yet, I am missing one important feature. So far it 
>is not possible to share the picture gallery with a link. You can share 
>folders with a link but then recipients can't view the pictures in a 
>gallery style. The OC picture gallery can be shared only to registered 
>members but I don't want register everyone to whom I just want to show 
>some pictures.
>I think such a feature would help quite a lot to promote OC as a serious 
>alternative to dropbox etc. Many other people are also interested in 
>such a feature:
>Therefore, I started a small crowdfunding on bountysource.com:
>Currently, we have collected more than $200. If you have spare time and 
>a good idea how to implement a gallery-sharing function via link go 
>ahead and claim the bounty!
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>Owncloud at kde.org

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