[Owncloud] Problem with bookmarks app

Michael Pfitzner pfitzner at physik.hu-berlin.de
Thu Jun 27 13:24:35 UTC 2013

I have a problem with the bookmarks app. If I add a bookmark via the
droplet I don't get the tags field displayed. The html where it should
be displayed looks like:

      <ul class="tags">

in a proper way it should look something like

    <ul class="tags tagit ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
           <li class="tagit-new">
                <input type="text" class="ui-widget-content
ui-autocomplete-input" placeholder="Tags"
                <span role="status" aria-live="polite"

Does anybody know why the missing html is not generated in this first
If I add a bookmark and edit it I get the autocomplete tags, so I guess
in principle it should work.

My environment: OC 5.07 and bookmarks app 0.3
a couple of days everything was working fine and than stopped, but I
cant remember to have changed something...

maybe somebody got a clue what it could be

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