[Owncloud] Update 5.0.7 uncontrollable encryption

Arthur Schiwon blizzz at owncloud.com
Fri Jun 7 16:16:51 UTC 2013

On Friday, June 07, 2013 11:51:21 AM Nicolas Mora wrote:
> Hello,
> Yesterday I updated from 5.0.6 to 5.0.7 without any issue, and I
> activated the encryption module to test it, but didn't do anything else
> later then.
> This morning,  I saw that all my files are encrypted, without me
> knowing how, and more important, I have absolutely no idea on how to
> decrypt them, considering that I never entered any password or
> certificate for the encryption...

Don't panic! You want to read this: 

> I only read this morning that encryption is incompatible with
> ldap_user, which of course I use...

Where did you read that?! It's wrong. It may become unhandy on password 
changes (need to remember the old one once, as the pw change bypasses 
ownCloud). To be on the safe side, enable recovering feature (as admin) and 
activate it (per user).


> Fortunately there is still a backup but I would like to know if the
> encryption is reversible, and how ?

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