[Owncloud] Persistence of quota administration

Michael mike at draftx.net
Wed Jun 5 19:54:28 UTC 2013

Please file a bug report here:
Your issue will be triaged and fixed there.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Niccolò Avico <niccolo at avico.it> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I'm experiencing the following issue: after a few days from the
> installation of rel. 5.0.6 it turns impossible to permanently change the
> individual storage quotas, either from the Web interface as well
> DIRECTLY WRITING into the oc_preferences table.
> In both cases, after a little (minutes) amount of time the quota value
> is restored to what was before the update. This behaviour is independent
> from the actual user to whom I'm setting the new quota. This value is
> restored even when I keep the mysql session open AFTER issueing the
> update statement on the configvalue column.
> System context:
>   * owncloud 5.0.6
>   * Ubuntu server 12.04
>   * PHP 5.3.10
>   * mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.31, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using
>     readline 6.2
>   * authentication ldap: Active Directory
> Question: which job restored the value? From which source/repository it
> gets the old value?
> Thanks a lot and congratilations to the dev community for the
> achievement. Aside from some minor issues, I'm really enjoying the
> platform.
> Niccolò
> --
> ------------------------------
> *Niccolò Avico*
> GTalk/Jabber/XMPP: gilgamesh at jabber.ninux.org
> skype: niccolo.avico
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/navico
> Twitter: @niccolo_avico
> PGP Key ID: FD266A76
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